Off Into the Sunset!

February 14, 2007

(it’s almost that time…)

Off Into the Sunset!

February 14, 2007

It’s almost time…

A Valentine Wish

February 14, 2007

Dear Reed,

I know we’re not going out anymore and I don’t really care.  I’m over that part, but here’s what I want: I want you to call me and tell me you’re sorry.  I want you to actually start IMming me instead of just randomly unblocking me and making me look at your screen name all day.  I want you to say “it wasn’t your fault; I made a really poor call and you are amazing.”

And then I want to go out with my friends, and no you are not my friend, not anymore, maybe not ever.

But if we could eventually be friends, I’d actually like that too, because you’re really special.  Just not special enough to date me.



What I Learned from 10th Grade Italian

February 14, 2007

  *Sinistra is the Italian word for hipster

*Cory Kennedy’s brown-red hair color is natural

*Hanging out with my brother and his famous friends will get you into Rolling Stone Magazine, but only in Europe

*I am so glad I didn’t get bangs

*The Italians <i>really</i> don’t like Paris Hilton

*Cory Kennedy should have her own record album, although if she did, she’d only get half the story space than she does for being “famous for being famous”… at least I think that’s how it translates…

*Whoa.  And I thought being on a reality show about my vacation was crazy.

I Never Thought I’d Say This, But…

January 27, 2007

I’m actually getting nostalgic for Sunset Heat and our vacation.  So I must really be going crazy.

Instant Messenger – What Dr. Phil Will Never Know

January 27, 2007

I don’t think people over 30 understand the importance of Instant Messenger, especially the way it relates to relationships.  Here’s a great example:  Reed.  My ex boyfriend.  Who I’m sick of talking about, especially since it violates the key Rules of Jenny, but this is really important.

When Reed and I broke up – sorry, when Reed cheated on me (with Eva, yes, sucks, over the Eva part but not the cheating boyfriend part) and then broke up with me (in a heartless and cruel way, by telling me he was never my boyfriend to begin with, because he’s a lying twit who can’t take responsibility and ugh!), he blocked me from IM.  At first I thought his Sidekick was broken or something, but no.  Later my brother was IMming him and I was like, hold up, Reed is on IM?  Not a great way to find out.  He’s such a jerk!

So this is almost six months ago.  Haven’t seen or heard from Reed since.  Actually doing really well with that fact.  Then yesterday I’m on IM (who am I kidding I am ALWAYS on IM!) and Reed’s name pops up.

Um, excuse me?  Reed?  WTF.

So now I can’t stop checking his away messages (which say lame things, like Arctic Monkeys lyrics that I introduced him to), and every time he signs off, I’m like, OMG did you just block me again?  Or are you just signed off?  I even make Eva and Sophia check THEIR IM buddy list to see if Reed is there.  It’s pathetic.  I want to block him.  But what if he wants to talk to me?  But why should I let him talk to me?  We are SO over.  And he is a terrible person!

But I’ll admit, I still want to talk to him.  I don’t know why or what I would say but it’s making me crazy.

Advice, please.  Eva and Sophia say “block him and get rid of him” and Sebastian says he’s going to Williamsburg to kick his ass at Galapegos but I’d like an objective opinion.

Just So You Know

January 27, 2007

The Transcendentalists actually are a punk band, in California:

I bet they live deliberately too.

(and props to the two people who actually appreciate that reference)

Why I’m Not Talking To Sophia Right Now

January 14, 2007

(just watch the video.)

Teen Vogue hearts Sebastian

January 14, 2007

Reasons to be single on Valentine’s Day:

1. So you can have a crazy time with your girlfriends instead.  Eva and I have already made Wavery Inn reservations and given ourselves a $500 shoe budget for the occasion.

2. So you can meet someone at a party that night and never forget your anniversary.  How easy is it to be like “oh, we met on Valentine’s Day?”

3. So you can be an individual and not a clone who feels forced to eat icky candy hearts and settle for some loser just because society says you should.

4.  So you don’t have to agonize over what to buy for someone you don’t even know if you like, and instead you can spend your money on shoes (see reason #1).

Although, if you do have to buy a guy a Valentine’s Day present, it’s cool that Teen Vogue has a little gift guide for that.  And doubly cool they threw in some guy’s Sunset Heat, since clearly like every other girl in New York, they have a huge crush on Sebastian.



January 14, 2007

Anyone in NY without plans: Cassie’s the secret DJ at MisShapes tonight, which should be pretty amazing.  Maybe even as amazing as this ID cover!